Core Models
A toolkit for HomeGrown Humans.
It's us. All of us. Fully alive. Deeply committed. Fearless. Joyful. Courageous. Kind. Steeped in the deep knowing of who we are and what is ours to do.
Our time is now.
What follows are some tools for building a better world through culture architecture. Reimagining how we can address the Meaning Crisis by creating more of what we all need: Inspiration ('cause life without it is a real grind), Healing ('cause we all deserve to stand tall), and Connection ('cause we're tribal primates just walking each other home).
Deep and profound healing. Mending of wounds. Defragging our nervous systems, upgrading our stories. Working out our questions, our answers, our problems, our solutions. Digesting our grief. Body, mind and spirit.
Peak states of consciousness. Stepping outside of ourselves and experiencing "anamnesis" – the opposite of amnesia – a deep remembering of who we are underneath all the distractions.
Where two or more of us gather, we make the move from Me, to We to Thee. A deeply bonded group experience aka "Group Flow." The place where our separate identities end, and emerge
Our new podcast hosted by Jamie Wheal combines neuroanthropology and culture architecture to help us create a better future.
A series of talks by Jamie Wheal, Jordan Hall, Daniel Schmachtenberger and John Vervaeke. More to come.
A toolkit for HomeGrown Humans.
As old stories fade and cease to function, we lose our way. We need new stories of transition and transformation that we can live into. Here is a selection of fiction and non-fiction books that each speak directly into the collapse of our old world and the birthing of new ones.
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